: Energy Forecast : What is it all about ?
2018 (2+0+1+8 =2) is a year of the Divine, beautiful &
serene Moon. The energy of the Moon will massively impact us this year. As most
of us are already aware that Moon governs the mind….it affects our emotions,
moods and contentment in life. It makes a person gentle by nature, artistic as
well as romantic. It does make one inventive however one may not be forceful
enough to carry out or implement their ideas.
2018 urges us to use the Lunar cycles in the best possible
way….and the first step in doing so is being aware of the Lunar periods (the
Full Moon & the New Moon). One should make an effort to guard against being
edgy, unsettled and restless.The best way to deal with the energies of this
year is to have a goal (both long term & short term ) and to stick to the
plan, in the best possible manner.
Even if things doesn’t go as per ones plan, it is advisable
to avoid being oversensitive or depressed. A lot of hidden talents are bound to
surface however it is up to us to use them in a proper, planned and orderly
The Moon will enhance our feminine side giving us a
nurturing and loving aura. It will enhance our beauty and bestow grace as well
as poise. It will enhance the love in our hearts not just for other beings but
for the entire Universe. My suggestion here is to do as much as you can for
others including your own self yet not expect anything in return.
from the Divine:
Once we could all speak without a sound being made. …..and
the sounds which we did make were sacred & full of intent. Unfortunately,
now we speak & speak , saying nothing, using air to create sound just filling
a void. Most of us doesn’t understand the heart of others. On the contrary we
end up judging others and slandering them, which is truly sad. This year gives
us a chance to truly understand others, to truly listen and truly love others
unconditionally. Lets use the energy of 2018 to embrace others the way they
are, to be more empathetic, more accepting and once again learn how to speak without words. The
lovely Moon also increases our telepathy and allows us to connect with others
energetically. You will now begin to understand and comprehend subtle energy. Most
of you (especially people having a strong Moon) will be able to see and read
auras, telepathically communicate as well as sometimes even know what will take
place in the future (Premonition). Let your energy shine through & speak
for you.
Many people are labelled with medical terminology if they
are silent, when infact they are constantly communicating, just in ways that
they are advanced, subtle, yet ancient. They are open-energized and communicate
effectively and are in harmonious attunement with animals, plants, crystals,
music, art, more so than with conversation, and the jousting competitive turn much
of that can take.
You may also find yourself telepathically with memories
stored in crystals, trees and sacred sites. You too can connect with your
telepathy and true wisdom by connecting with these sacred spaces, crystals
& trees. Connect with the vast and expansive water bodies, Oceans,
Waterfalls, Rivers…..as the Moon has a huge impact on them as well….These
healing water bodies are brimming with energies and memories…they speak to our
soul…only if we have the ears to listen & feel their amazing vibrations.
My Suggestion for 2018 :
Colours of 2018 : White,
Creamish, Light Blue, Turquoise, Silver
Crystals / Gemstones of 2018 :
White Coral, Pearl, Opal, Howlite, Aquamarine, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz,
Shell, White Lace Agate, Green Aventurine, Zircon, White Sapphire
Healing for Soul, Mind & Body
: Sea Healing, Water Healing
Rituals For Full Moon : Release
Rituals for New Moon :
Manifestation Rituals
Fruits & Vegetables :
Cucumber, Radish, Lettuce, Watermelon, Custard Apple, Turnip
Metals : Silver, Platinum, White
Numbers : 2, 11, 20, 29
Mantra : Mahamrityunjay Jaap
Last but not the least, Meditate
on your Chakras (Energy Centres) & practice Yoga for your own highest good
& for the good of others
"The moon does not fight.
It attacks no one.It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps
to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body
could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its
nature and its power is never diminished.”
May 2018 be a beautiful
& blessed year for you filled with love, laughter, happiness, peace,
prosperity & divine grace !!
Love & Peace to
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