Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Energy Update : July to September 2018

Dear Blessed One,

I have been getting a lot of calls & messages especially since the beginning of June....pressure building up, people going through a tough situation personally, professionally, financially, physically and ofcourse spiritually !! It is indeed a crazy time....with four of our planets going retrograde ad the upcoming lunar eclipse not helping the situation... 

Here's a quick Energy Update : 4 planets are retrograde at the moment....Mars until the 27th of Aug, Saturn until the 6th of Sep, Jupiter until the 10th of July and finally Neptune (we do not really consider it in Indian Vedic astrology yet the impact of this planet cannot be undermined at all). Also, the upcoming Lunar eclipse (28th of July) playing around with our mind making it a constant chatterbox...

Mars is the planet that represents our drive to achieve and act—it’s how we go after what we want. During this cycle, outward progress is often slow or thwarted, .... Instead of banging our heads against the wall, take a look back and see what decisions led us here. It urges us to get really honest with ourselves and look at why we’re doing what we’re doing.
If you’re not seeing the results you’re hoping for on various fronts, whether it’s weight loss, relationship progress, or a job hunt, it could be a sign from the universe that you need to look harder at your motivations for each. “If we’ve faced our inner dragons, we can emerge victorious, liberating ourselves to act more potently and precisely when Mars turns direct
If Mars is the warrior, Saturn is the General,.... With both planets retrograde, frustration at a lack of progress can erupt, but have patience with the process and yourself. Use the time wisely to craft a solid strategy and support your core for the next upward climb....Once both the planets are direct, in September , your results will start to show.
Now coming to Neptune retrograde, which is an important  part of Western astrology, our feelings are more astute at picking up and perceiving the illusive. It is easier to ascertain information about issues that have eluded us while Neptune was direct....if we do not work on an internal level while Neptune is retrograde, we will in all probability be affected by feelings of disillusion and dissatisfaction.
It is important that one avoids drugs, chemicals and stimulants while Neptune is retrograde. Protect yourself by refraining from associating with addictive personalities, psychic attractions, and overwhelming people who drain your energies. Wearing Bronzite or Tigers eye or Black Tourmaline can funnel off negative energy and psychic attack. If you feel a little paranoid during the retrograde period, it may be that you are picking up too much from your external environment. As an asset, this period is excellent for using and cultivating your psychic perceptions. Choose to meditate, go within....activate your third eye chakra with chakra meditation or Kriya yoga...there cannot be a better time to do this !! 
The saviour of this period is the massive Jupiter which is turning direct after the 10th of July....so let's keep our hopes high and intentions of the highest possible calibre. Jupiter the planet of higher mind, wisdom, knowledge, expansion, good fortune, growth will amplify the sign that it is in... Currently Jupiter is in Libra which will only enhance the qualities of the sign as well as the planet Venus (ruler of Libra).

A sense of calm may fall over the world while giant Jupiter moves through the sign of Libra. Jupiter's expansive energy is tempered by Libra's collected and poised disposition here. Libra is the sign of balance, fairness, and equal partnerships, and Jupiter's presence here encourages the desire for everyone to get along. This is our opportunity to build and improve the relationships in our lives. We may not have passion coming out of our ears, but this is a time for peace and positive communication.
This is a time when we can trust ourselves to say what we mean. Libra is an Air sign, known for its perception, clarity, and charm, so when the planet of wisdom comes into play, our words will be smooth and efficient. We can use this energy to climb corporate ladders, close deals, engage in negotiations, and find strong partnerships. We'll have a boost of charisma behind us to push us out of our comfort zone and work toward success and happiness. 

How to utilize the current energies..
Live in the moment to improve the quality of your life
Do not be swallowed by pain, confusion or lack of belief in your own vision...have faith in yourself and your Divine Master
Go inwards...pray, meditate, be silent...listen to your soul
Look at your physical life through your spiritual lens
Go for a healing retreat
Do not forget the law of attraction...read up on it and apply the same
Live the next two months as if you are in a walking meditation.Perform your normal chores but be aware of each breathe you take. Look into the eyes of your family, friends and colleagues while talking to them. Silently bless their lives and positive initiatives. Be observant and appreciative of nature...of plants, flowers, trees, birds and animals that you see. Speak to them and tell them you honour their contribution to Mother Earth. Intentionally, send your love to this world. Take time to write down your feelings and experiences at the end of each day. ...if you continue this excercise, you will be in a mildly altered state of consciousness...you will be able to perceive your surroundings, situations, events and emotions with much greater clarity, perspective and purpose...
Keep me posted how it was :) :) !!!

Stay blessed....now and forever..

Love and Peace from my soul to yours...


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Magical Energy Shift : 21 March 2018 !!

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.” 
― Roald Dahl

Be prepared for a huge energy shift… Yes, a positive one !! Though we have just crossed the New Moon and the skeptics are busy talking about the repercussions of Jupiter being retrograde, the energy shift of 21st March will surely bring forth a breath of fresh & dynamic air.

Focus not on the blazing and scorching Sun but the budding Greens of the season. “ALLOW” this energy shift to work on you and your life by changing your focus from the mundane to the exotic, from the chaos to the blessings….. from the pain to the possibilities ….the frustration to the learning… the pain to the spiritual evolution. Once you do so, observe for yourself, how this potent, fertile period uplifts your heart, body, mind and soul. Use this beautiful Cosmic energy to bless and heal each & every aspect of your life. This is indeed a period where you can manifest your dreams and desires in a jiffy. ….so use this period wisely… use it skilfully…. use it soulfully…

Allow the Universe to shower you with all the lovely things of the world …..and beyond the world…

“Believe something and the Universe is on its way to being changed. Because you've changed, by believing. Once you've changed, other things start to follow. Isn't that the way it works?” 
― Diane DuaneSo You Want to Be a Wizard

Stay blessed….

Love, Peace and Joy from my soul to yours,

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

2018 : Energy Forecast !!

2018 : Energy Forecast : What is it all about ?

2018 (2+0+1+8 =2) is a year of the Divine, beautiful & serene Moon. The energy of the Moon will massively impact us this year. As most of us are already aware that Moon governs the mind….it affects our emotions, moods and contentment in life. It makes a person gentle by nature, artistic as well as romantic. It does make one inventive however one may not be forceful enough to carry out or implement their ideas.

2018 urges us to use the Lunar cycles in the best possible way….and the first step in doing so is being aware of the Lunar periods (the Full Moon & the New Moon). One should make an effort to guard against being edgy, unsettled and restless.The best way to deal with the energies of this year is to have a goal (both long term & short term ) and to stick to the plan, in the best possible manner.
Even if things doesn’t go as per ones plan, it is advisable to avoid being oversensitive or depressed. A lot of hidden talents are bound to surface however it is up to us to use them in a proper, planned and orderly way.

The Moon will enhance our feminine side giving us a nurturing and loving aura. It will enhance our beauty and bestow grace as well as poise. It will enhance the love in our hearts not just for other beings but for the entire Universe. My suggestion here is to do as much as you can for others including your own self yet not expect anything in return.

Guidance from the Divine:
Once we could all speak without a sound being made. …..and the sounds which we did make were sacred & full of intent. Unfortunately, now we speak & speak , saying nothing, using air to create sound just filling a void. Most of us doesn’t understand the heart of others. On the contrary we end up judging others and slandering them, which is truly sad. This year gives us a chance to truly understand others, to truly listen and truly love others unconditionally. Lets use the energy of 2018 to embrace others the way they are, to be more empathetic, more accepting and once again learn how to speak without words. The lovely Moon also increases our telepathy and allows us to connect with others energetically. You will now begin to understand and comprehend subtle energy. Most of you (especially people having a strong Moon) will be able to see and read auras, telepathically communicate as well as sometimes even know what will take place in the future (Premonition). Let your energy shine through & speak for you.

Many people are labelled with medical terminology if they are silent, when infact they are constantly communicating, just in ways that they are advanced, subtle, yet ancient. They are open-energized and communicate effectively and are in harmonious attunement with animals, plants, crystals, music, art, more so than with conversation, and the jousting competitive turn much of that can take.
You may also find yourself telepathically with memories stored in crystals, trees and sacred sites. You too can connect with your telepathy and true wisdom by connecting with these sacred spaces, crystals & trees. Connect with the vast and expansive water bodies, Oceans, Waterfalls, Rivers…..as the Moon has a huge impact on them as well….These healing water bodies are brimming with energies and memories…they speak to our soul…only if we have the ears to listen & feel their amazing vibrations.


My Suggestion for 2018 :  

-        Colours of 2018 : White, Creamish, Light Blue, Turquoise, Silver

-        Crystals / Gemstones of 2018 : White Coral, Pearl, Opal, Howlite, Aquamarine, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Shell, White Lace Agate, Green Aventurine, Zircon, White Sapphire

-        Healing for Soul, Mind & Body : Sea Healing, Water Healing

-        Rituals For Full Moon : Release Rituals

-        Rituals for New Moon : Manifestation Rituals

-        Fruits & Vegetables : Cucumber, Radish, Lettuce, Watermelon, Custard Apple, Turnip

-        Metals : Silver, Platinum, White Gold

-        Numbers : 2, 11, 20, 29

-        Mantra : Mahamrityunjay Jaap

-        Last but not the least, Meditate on your Chakras (Energy Centres) & practice Yoga for your own highest good & for the good of others

"The moon does not fight. It attacks no one.It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.” 

May 2018 be a beautiful & blessed year for you filled with love, laughter, happiness, peace, prosperity & divine grace !!

Love & Peace to You,
