Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Mars - The Most Misunderstood Planet in Astrology !!

The Warrior, The Conqueror, The Knight in Shining Armour “Mars” is one of the most high intensity planets with super dynamic power. Mars is known as “The Commander of God”, shielding the Divine kingdom of Love & Light. 

It is the Protector swiftly eliminating all negativity, sickness and adversaries. 

If Mars / Mangal is placed in a natives first (ascendant), fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house, he or she is considered to be a “Manglik” – a word feared by many & a word that is often referred as a “Red flag” by many Birth Chart Readers. However before any astrologers get the opportunity to scare you with this particular factor & traumatize you with the belief that it may ruin your health, marriage and life, please get to know more about the energy of this highly misunderstood planet!!  

Personally, I have gone through several chart since I was a kid & I can assure you one thing that If you are ruled or influenced by the planet Mars, you will be bold, strong and courageous. This power packed, action oriented planet will make a warrior out of you. I am not promising you that you will not have struggles (depending on the position of other planets in your birth chart) however it will be totally worth it. Ever heard of the quote “Success is Sweet but its Secret is Sweat”? And Sweat you will …!! However you will surely enjoy the Fruits of Your Labour!! You will know how to become a True Fighter ( Ofcourse in a positive way ), You will not tolerate anything which is wrong / unjust / unfair.... You will not know how to quit. “Giving Up” will certainly not be in your Dictionary. No matter what you have gone through in your life or what you may be going through in your life at this point of time, Mars will bless you with tremendous will power & determination so that you can march right ahead, facing all fears as well as obstacles head on. You will hold the Bull by its horns and fight till you achieve victory. Mars will bestow the virtue of Power, Assertiveness, Ambition, Authority, Leadership, Righteousness and Courage on you in a way you may never have comprehended. You will achieve Glorious Victory against all odds. 

No wonder, Natives with a strong Mars (in all probability an Aries or Scorpio ascendant) often choose to join the Defence Services, IPS, IAS, Sports, Engineering, Business, Politics, The Legal Department as well as Investigation & Research oriented work. Be it the famous Madame Curie who invented Radium & was awarded the Nobel Prize inspite of her tremendous hard life, the famous freedom fighter of India Bhagat Singh who had the courage to give up his life for his country, the powerful French Conqueror Nepolean Bonaparte who never took "No" for an answer, the strong, kind & beautiful Lady Diana, the bold and noteworthy Police Officer Sri Madhav Singh Madhok (I.G.), the famous Michael Jackson who needs no introduction, to Smt.Gayatri Devi, Honourable P.M. of India Sri Narendra Modi, Honorable President of the United States of America Barack Obama are all majorly influenced by this planet of strength & valor.  

Mars, also known as the “Son of Earth" does not allow its native to be passive or morose. Even if one goes through depression, he or she has the capability to bounce back & get going. It strengthens ones will & makes one shine with the brilliance of The Sun as well as the coolness of The Moon, at the same time…!!     

Represented by sheer blood Red color of the element Fire, it bestows its native with a strong mind and high confidence. 

Mars is the ruling lord of the signs Aries & Scorpio (the 1st and the 8th house of the zodiac). Mars is known to be extremely powerful if it is placed in the house of Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, Capricorn& Aries. It gives good results even when the planet is retrograde.  

There is absolutely nothing that you cannot achieve with Mars on your side !!    

So…ALLOW !! Allow this awesome planet of strength to reveal your true potential. Allow it to reveal & bring forth your hopes & aspirations. Allow it to steer you & help you carve a niche for yourself by facing life head on. Allow it to guide you, mentor you, polish you, inspire you, motivate you & propel you to be a better version of Your Own Self !! And if you do so, without any apprehension, without any fear or doubt energy, trust me, you will not regret it, even for a moment…!!   

So, let’s please have a round of applause for this amazing fiery planet with its super dynamic blessed energy, its vital life force, its courage, optimism, strength, will power, determination & ofcourse…its “Never Say Die” spirit…Shall we ? :) :)  

KUDOS TO YOU …LOVELY MARS !! STAY BLESSED !! Keep inspiring us in your own wonderful ways…now & forever !!   

Aum Kraam Kreem Krowm Saah: Bhowmaya Namaha !!    

Love & Light to you,   

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