Saturday, December 31, 2016

2017 - The Year of the Brilliant Sun !!

So here we are …..Entering the a beautiful & blessed 2017..... As we conclude the much eventful and power packed year of 2016.....we have put an end to the “Year of completion”….!! It’s not just time for celebration but a time to joyfully look back & re-evaluate the last eleven months…..It’s time to finish all the unfinished business….it’s time to complete & close all that needs closure. It’s high time to release ourselves from all that feels burdensome. It’s time to release any feeling of fear, guilt, worry, regret or any other negative energies that we may have absorbed or created consciously or subconsciously. It time to let go of all that's holding us back. This is truly a period to set ourselves free. It’s time to withdraw from the Drama of others & go deep within our own true selves.

Many of us has gone through tremendous pain last year.....many souls have left us....we have faced so many has not really been easy but having said that we all will only grow from this situation...grow bolder, grow strong.....and eventually rise like a Phoenix !!Time will heal our wounds....however it is extremely important that we may forgive all those who has hurt us consciously or subconsciously, at any matter how hard it is ...not for them but for our own selves......

As we prepare ourselves to enter a new era of beautiful & fresh new energies, let’s empty ourselves completely & absolutely …..Let’s prepare ourselves so that we may be able to embrace all the opportunities the lovely "2017" brings. Let’s do away with all that doesn’t serve us & our highest good. Whatever situation, habit, attitude doesn’t help our wellbeing & progress needs to go away, right now, once & for all, never to return again.

"2017" will be a year of new beginnings with a major energy shift as the “biggest cosmic player” Saturn leaves the sign of Scorpio & enters the fiery, ambitious, goal oriented sign of Sagittarius!! The Karmic planet Saturn's movement on the 26th of January 2017 will ensure a major burst of energy which we all will experience.

So, now it’s time for us to have great faith & hope. If you have been experiencing challenges, inspite of your constant efforts & good karma, be rest assured that all your difficulties will soon fade away….you will start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
You will have immense ability to accomplish may tasks at once. Believe in your own self......follow your heart...follow your creative passion...and trust me ...YOU SHALL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.
Don’t forget to embrace your inner child...New friends or rekindled relationships are coming your way very soon......

Look out for magic in life...count your blessings and your blessings will multiply beyond your wildest dreams.....share what you have with the people who really need your love, care & affection.
Things will truly pace up for most of us in pull up you socks and prepare yourself mentally for all that’s coming your way. Your plans will work out very fast . Professional and financial success are coming your way as well. Use your resources wisely.....

Opportunities of excitement and adventure are coming your way as are ready for any challenge....don’t lose faith in your own self and in the divine wisdom.
No matter what you choose to do, ensure that you strike a balance.....You may working on multiple projects at the same time, travelling like its important that you make your work fun....Enjoy your work.....

Wise planning will usher new energies and will shower you with prosperity....Make optimistic, long term plans.....and you will shine like a bright star.....
Last but not the least, remember the most important element for your success is believing in your own self. Live in the present...enjoy your your your life....start making long term plans and know & believe that you’ll be successfull....

Have faith in the Divine Power & have faith in your own selves…..Go ahead & "Make a wish upon a Star". Inspire your own self & make long-term plans, believing that you will succeed....!!
Seal your day with a prayer of love & gratitude & await the gifts of the Universe…..Await the blessings of love, laughter, passion & inspiration!! You are soon sure to be at a place of enlightenment & profound understanding of the Universe as well as your own Divine Self.

Lots of love and light for a beautiful & blessed New Year,
May the angels and guides bless you & shower you with love, laughter,peace, prosperity and eternal joy...

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Master Days of November 2016....Expect Miracles & Transformation !!

Behold!! We are entering an extremely important period of intense “Cosmic energy shower” which will be felt deeply by all us, especially the “Energy-Sensitive” ones....No wonder the Moon is coming so close to the Earth’s orbit in a few days from now. NASA confirms that the Super Moon on the 14th of this month would be the biggest and brightest one of the 21st century. We will not be experiencing such a phenomenal view until the year 2034....Wow!! Isn’t that truly amazing!!   

Why not use this magical time to join the soulful dance of the mystical beings? Why not use this period to sing along the divine healing music of the celestial beings?

Let us use this amazing time to connect with our own selves....our true selves...our higher selves....Let us use this time to connect with our own souls....Let us all use this time to communicate with our Guides, our Masters, our Gurus, our Angels. The Universal energies are totally in support of us, especially during this time.

“Magic is in the Air” – Not metaphorically....but literally!! The air is carrying amazingly magical vibrations. So let’s completely utilize this time to keep our intentions crystal clear, our energies pure, our thoughts & actions of the highest calibre. It is time for us to focus only & only on our hearts true desire. Let’s visualize our lives the way we want it to be – filled with love, laughter, joy & divine peace. Let us concentrate on what we truly wish for, not just for our own selves but for the entire world.

November carries the energy of instant manifestation. So, it’s important for us to release all negativities from our heart, body, mind & soul. It is absolutely necessary to keep our fears, insecurities & other negative emotions at bay. It is mandatory that we channelize our energy in the right direction without any apprehension or hesitation, with a positive intention coupled with clarity of thought as well as action.

Begin by taking a piece of paper & making a list of all that you wish to” release” or “let go” of ....Pray over it intensely & burn it off. Allow the smoke to take away all your negative & toxic energies, once & for all, never to return again!! All the blocks that is not allowing you to live a life of joy, peace & abundance; all the bumps that are hindering your growth & progress should vanish in the thin air. All the obstructions that you may have created for your own selves through negative karma, consciously or subconsciously, in this lifetime or any other direction of time and space, should be taken away by the Cosmos & transmuted into pure, divine White light. ....Let all that’s hindering us & our evolution, be absorbed by the divine, magical, cosmic energies....once & for all, leaving behind only Love...and nothing but Pure Love. Let there be Light...once again. Let there be Love...once again!!

And finally be open & willing to create one more list!! A list of your wishes, hopes & dreams!! Let it be a lengthy list of all that your heart longs for... Do not forget to wish for your loved ones well for your not so loved ones J (though there should ideally be nobody on this list) along with all the people you have crossed paths with, all the people you have communicated with, in this lifetime or any other direction of time & space (any other lifetime). Wish well for the entire world...for all the beings dwelling here among us. Pray, Hope & Wish for Peace....Peace at a personal level & at a Global level....Peace for the entire Creation & even beyond that!!

And Trust me you will receive all that you have ever wished for ...& even a magically beautiful & beautifully magical order!!

That’s what this period is all about. That’s the “Calling” of the “Hour”. That’s the “Need” of the “Present”. That’s the “Power” of this “Moment”. And that’s precisely the guidance i have received & have been ordered to share with you.

Let’s Be Aware...Let’s Be Receptive...Let’s Be Grateful & receive the blessings that are coming our way....Blessings of our Master....The Almighty Lord...!! Let’s not allow this magical period to slip we may not be blessed enough to experience this miracle again, atleast in this lifetime!!  

Let’s Live, Love, Laugh & Pray together...

Let’s Stay Blessed,

Love & Light from my Soul to Yours!!


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Jupiter Transit : Leo to Virgo : 11th August 2016 to 12th September 2017 : Happy Shift !!

Jupiter the Divine Master, The Hermit, The Emperor is entering the Healer “VIRGO” today after being massively uncomfortable in the sign of Leo, being in close proximity with the “so called” Evil shadow planet of Rahu….Pheeew !!! Take a sigh of breath…Will you?  :)

Jupiter is finally glad to have some space and some Virgoan atmosphere around it  So let’s first understand what Jupiter in Virgo stands for…

First & foremost, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, abundance & joy is at harmony in Jupiter. Though it loves the sign of Leo, Jupiter is more Earthly or realistic in Virgo. The Water bearers sign of Virgo makes Jupiter help bring grace & refinement into people’s lives. It stand for plans and productivity. It denotes great progress but not through short cuts … gives grand success through sticking to ones values & morals. Jupiter in Virgo loves simple living high thinking. It makes one perfect, orderly & highly disciplined. As Virgo is originally ruled by the planet Mercury, Jupiter helps in expansion of the Mercurian qualities…It helps one be more analytical, communicative, practical, efficient yet fun loving & childlike….Strange but nevertheless a beautiful combination…Isn’t it ?

According to few astrologers Mercury & Jupiter aren’t great friends and it can make one over critical, highly ambitious or even snobbish…however as per my case studies (well for more than two decades now and I don’t mean to boast here  …Talk about the astro-effects :) !!) I have only seen a positive side of Jupiter in Virgo. I believe that if you truly allow the analytical side of Mercury merge with the Divine energy of Jupiter….you will be of great benefit to yourself as well to others (the entire World for that matter). Being of benefit to others, reminds me that the Healer in you will take a front seat at this time. A lot of people will teach alternate methods of healing (well the Original or more authentic method to be accurate). Energy healing of different forms, using nature / natural remedies to heal, learning how to heal using the five universal elements – Fire, Water, Earth, Air & Space, knowing the power of the vast Ocean (something that I have been guided to start a few years back and I totally believe that it has got a tremendous amount of healing energy…Hmmmm…No wonder ….as per my birth chart, my Jupiter is in Virgo…in the 11th house :) …Now I realize what this shift is all about !!), understanding Medicine more deeply & using it….et all….the list of the Divine healing methods are endless …just like the Divine itself !! More and more of us will turn towards Yoga, Pranayam, Meditation, Kriya (Yoga), Geology, Biotechnology, Gene Therapy, Botany, Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, Genomics, Recombinant DNA- Technology….anything & everything to do with plants, microbes & genes….

Communication & people related to communication will find their creative outlet with ease…It will be a beautiful time for verbal & written communication. So if you have been thinking about writing a book or a blog for that matter…..NOW IS THE TIME…Go for it!! It is an absolutely lovely period for motivational speakers, Teachers, Trainers, RJ’s, VJ’s, People in the advertising field or Media, Bankers, Finance specialists, Researchers & Investigators (of all sorts, also because of Saturn currently being in Scorpio – which helps investigation & deep level research).

That was a generic view…Well, My generic view of Jupiter in Virgo however to know more look at your individual birth chart and find out where your Jupiter is placed (the sign and the house from your ascendant)….You will get to know better about this major planetary transit & how it’s going to affect you…More importantly, How YOU WILL USE IT TO YOUR BENEFIT (AND THE BENEFIT OF THE WORLD)….!!

Happy transit dear readers….!! May this planetary shift bring about a beautiful & memorable change in your life as well as the life of your loved ones…!!

Loads of love to you,

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Mars - The Most Misunderstood Planet in Astrology !!

The Warrior, The Conqueror, The Knight in Shining Armour “Mars” is one of the most high intensity planets with super dynamic power. Mars is known as “The Commander of God”, shielding the Divine kingdom of Love & Light. 

It is the Protector swiftly eliminating all negativity, sickness and adversaries. 

If Mars / Mangal is placed in a natives first (ascendant), fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house, he or she is considered to be a “Manglik” – a word feared by many & a word that is often referred as a “Red flag” by many Birth Chart Readers. However before any astrologers get the opportunity to scare you with this particular factor & traumatize you with the belief that it may ruin your health, marriage and life, please get to know more about the energy of this highly misunderstood planet!!  

Personally, I have gone through several chart since I was a kid & I can assure you one thing that If you are ruled or influenced by the planet Mars, you will be bold, strong and courageous. This power packed, action oriented planet will make a warrior out of you. I am not promising you that you will not have struggles (depending on the position of other planets in your birth chart) however it will be totally worth it. Ever heard of the quote “Success is Sweet but its Secret is Sweat”? And Sweat you will …!! However you will surely enjoy the Fruits of Your Labour!! You will know how to become a True Fighter ( Ofcourse in a positive way ), You will not tolerate anything which is wrong / unjust / unfair.... You will not know how to quit. “Giving Up” will certainly not be in your Dictionary. No matter what you have gone through in your life or what you may be going through in your life at this point of time, Mars will bless you with tremendous will power & determination so that you can march right ahead, facing all fears as well as obstacles head on. You will hold the Bull by its horns and fight till you achieve victory. Mars will bestow the virtue of Power, Assertiveness, Ambition, Authority, Leadership, Righteousness and Courage on you in a way you may never have comprehended. You will achieve Glorious Victory against all odds. 

No wonder, Natives with a strong Mars (in all probability an Aries or Scorpio ascendant) often choose to join the Defence Services, IPS, IAS, Sports, Engineering, Business, Politics, The Legal Department as well as Investigation & Research oriented work. Be it the famous Madame Curie who invented Radium & was awarded the Nobel Prize inspite of her tremendous hard life, the famous freedom fighter of India Bhagat Singh who had the courage to give up his life for his country, the powerful French Conqueror Nepolean Bonaparte who never took "No" for an answer, the strong, kind & beautiful Lady Diana, the bold and noteworthy Police Officer Sri Madhav Singh Madhok (I.G.), the famous Michael Jackson who needs no introduction, to Smt.Gayatri Devi, Honourable P.M. of India Sri Narendra Modi, Honorable President of the United States of America Barack Obama are all majorly influenced by this planet of strength & valor.  

Mars, also known as the “Son of Earth" does not allow its native to be passive or morose. Even if one goes through depression, he or she has the capability to bounce back & get going. It strengthens ones will & makes one shine with the brilliance of The Sun as well as the coolness of The Moon, at the same time…!!     

Represented by sheer blood Red color of the element Fire, it bestows its native with a strong mind and high confidence. 

Mars is the ruling lord of the signs Aries & Scorpio (the 1st and the 8th house of the zodiac). Mars is known to be extremely powerful if it is placed in the house of Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, Capricorn& Aries. It gives good results even when the planet is retrograde.  

There is absolutely nothing that you cannot achieve with Mars on your side !!    

So…ALLOW !! Allow this awesome planet of strength to reveal your true potential. Allow it to reveal & bring forth your hopes & aspirations. Allow it to steer you & help you carve a niche for yourself by facing life head on. Allow it to guide you, mentor you, polish you, inspire you, motivate you & propel you to be a better version of Your Own Self !! And if you do so, without any apprehension, without any fear or doubt energy, trust me, you will not regret it, even for a moment…!!   

So, let’s please have a round of applause for this amazing fiery planet with its super dynamic blessed energy, its vital life force, its courage, optimism, strength, will power, determination & ofcourse…its “Never Say Die” spirit…Shall we ? :) :)  

KUDOS TO YOU …LOVELY MARS !! STAY BLESSED !! Keep inspiring us in your own wonderful ways…now & forever !!   

Aum Kraam Kreem Krowm Saah: Bhowmaya Namaha !!    

Love & Light to you,   