So here we are …..Entering the a beautiful & blessed
2017..... As we conclude the much eventful and power packed year of 2016.....we
have put an end to the “Year of completion”….!! It’s not just time for
celebration but a time to joyfully look back & re-evaluate the last eleven
months…..It’s time to finish all the unfinished business….it’s time to complete
& close all that needs closure. It’s high time to release ourselves from
all that feels burdensome. It’s time to release any feeling of fear, guilt, worry, regret or any other negative energies that we
may have absorbed or created consciously or subconsciously. It time to let go
of all that's holding us back. This is truly a period to set ourselves free.
It’s time to withdraw from the Drama of others & go deep within our own
true selves.
Many of us has gone through
tremendous pain last year.....many souls have left us....we have faced so many has not really been easy but having said that we all will only
grow from this situation...grow bolder, grow strong.....and eventually rise
like a Phoenix !!Time will heal our wounds....however it is extremely important
that we may forgive all those who has hurt us consciously or subconsciously, at
any matter how hard it is ...not for them but for our own
As we prepare ourselves to enter a new era of beautiful &
fresh new energies, let’s empty ourselves completely & absolutely …..Let’s
prepare ourselves so that we may be able to embrace all the opportunities the
lovely "2017" brings. Let’s do away with all that doesn’t serve us
& our highest good. Whatever situation, habit, attitude doesn’t help our
wellbeing & progress needs to go away, right now, once & for all, never
to return again.
"2017" will be a year of new beginnings with a major
energy shift as the “biggest cosmic player” Saturn leaves the sign of Scorpio
& enters the fiery, ambitious, goal oriented sign of Sagittarius!! The
Karmic planet Saturn's movement on the 26th of January 2017 will ensure a major
burst of energy which we all will experience.
So, now it’s time for us to have great faith & hope. If you have been experiencing challenges, inspite of your constant efforts & good karma, be rest assured that all your difficulties will soon fade away….you will start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
You will have immense ability to accomplish may tasks at once.
Believe in your own self......follow your heart...follow your creative
passion...and trust me ...YOU SHALL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.
Don’t forget to embrace your inner child...New friends or
rekindled relationships are coming your way very soon......
Look out for magic in life...count your blessings and your
blessings will multiply beyond your wildest dreams.....share what you have with
the people who really need your love, care & affection.
Things will truly pace up for most of us in pull up
you socks and prepare yourself mentally for all that’s coming your way. Your
plans will work out very fast . Professional and financial success are coming
your way as well. Use your resources wisely.....
Opportunities of excitement and adventure are coming your way as are ready for any challenge....don’t lose faith in your own self
and in the divine wisdom.
No matter what you choose to do, ensure that you strike a
balance.....You may working on multiple projects at the same time, travelling
like its important that you make your work fun....Enjoy your
Wise planning will usher new energies and will shower you with
prosperity....Make optimistic, long term plans.....and you will shine like a
bright star.....
Last but not the least, remember the most important element for
your success is believing in your own self. Live in the present...enjoy your your your life....start making long term plans and
know & believe that you’ll be successfull....
Have faith in the Divine Power & have faith in your own selves…..Go ahead & "Make a wish upon a Star". Inspire your own self & make long-term plans, believing that you will succeed....!!
Seal your day with a prayer of love & gratitude & await the gifts of the Universe…..Await the blessings of love, laughter, passion & inspiration!! You are soon sure to be at a place of enlightenment & profound understanding of the Universe as well as your own Divine Self.
Seal your day with a prayer of love & gratitude & await the gifts of the Universe…..Await the blessings of love, laughter, passion & inspiration!! You are soon sure to be at a place of enlightenment & profound understanding of the Universe as well as your own Divine Self.
Lots of love and light for a beautiful & blessed New Year,
May the angels and guides bless you & shower you with love,
laughter,peace, prosperity and eternal joy...