Saturday, December 27, 2014

2015 - The Karmic Year !!

2015 can be summed up in One Word ....."KARMA"  !!!

" Forgive the person and their actions,
  Never give in to hate,
  Let it go,
  Set it free,
  And Karma will take care of What is meant to Be " !!

India is a Saturn ruled country....2015 is a Saturn ruled year.... Being a Karmic number, 2015 will carry with it "The Universal Law of Truth" so one must at all times remember the law of "cause and effect". We will receive what we give ....We will reap as we sow !! We will be given as per our KARMA. Karma will speak for itself and that's 2015 in a nutshell for you !!

2015 adds up to number 8 (2+0+1+5). To understand the year 2015, we need to understand "the meaning and importance of the number 8 first".... So what is 8 all about and how will it impact our lives, especially in 2015 ?

The number 8 is considered the highest feminine number and it signifies 'giving and receiving'. 8 is the number of 'Karma', the related planet being Saturn. It is associated to the star sign Scorpio ( a very important year for all Scorpions) and if we look at "The Tarot" is linked to the eighth card which is "Strength".

The number 8 symbolizes order, perfection, structure, domination, control and achievement.  It is the executive decision-maker. The path for 2015 should be "compassion" … it is one of the 'life lessons' for the upcoming year.

The life Challenges for 2015 will be hatred, jealousy, greed, manipulation, slandering, anger and judgement.

The ultimate accomplishment for the year will be to gain 'wisdom'.

2015 will be extremely significant for people who have a dominant Saturn, people who are Capricorn or Aquarius Acendants, the ones with Birth number or Life Path number 8 as well as the ones born in the month of August (especially 8th, 17th or 26th). It will be an extremely eventful year for people whose name begins with the alphabets H, Q and Z as also for the ones with name number 8.

8 is the number of 'power' and in all probability one may not feel safe unless they have found a way to establish financial security for themselves. The challenge for us will be to balance personal relationships against material wealth and to practice tolerance and patience (Remember the two Golden Words - Faith and Patience). Our purpose will be to use our commanding power and strength to help others. And that should be our Focal Point. Our goal for 2015 should be 'to awaken the divinity within.'

The mystery number 8 signifies the continuous spiral of perpetual motion, which is the supreme signature of the Universe, and all evolutionary cycle. 8 is the 'power' number which needs always to be used for the good of mankind.  The task of the number 8 is great – and when awakened and developed, is the 'Master Energy' working for humanity. Strength,  Will and Effort are energies of the number 8 and their ultimate goal is mastery on all levels and planes of being.  There is the opportunity to create a balance between the spiritual and material worlds !!

2015 will provide ample opportunities however they may manifest after the month of June. Let's not get bogged down if there are delays and disappointments as this will surely be a potent year and will fetch us long term benefits in terms of career and finances. This year will bring about a wave of growth and prosperity ( however we must not deviate from good karma). Money can be made or lost depending on our intention and KARMA - that will be the energy of 2015. Financial improvements can be observed from August to December. This is indeed a good year to buy a new home, change place / country, long distance travel, putting a business plan into action or bring about any important change. Hard work will definitely pay off inspire of initial delays.

It is imperative that we take care of our health throughout the year by getting rid of any sort of addictions and also be regular with our exercise regime. Yoga and meditation will surely be beneficial along with proper diet. I highly recommend Surya Namaskar Yoga coupled with Pranayama and Aum Meditation ( Sound Healing). Sticking to a Vegetarian Diet will have it's added benefits. I also suggest the use of Sea Salt / Himalayan Pink Salt for cooking as well as a bathing scrub ( it will cleanse and energise your chakras in a beautiful way).

After the reflection of last year, it is time to move from the inner world into the outer world and manifest in greater ways what you have been working toward during the last seven years. Material issues, career, and worldly accomplishments come to the forefront.

There are chances where one may feel isolated and aloof with the energy of the number 8 often finding it difficult to communicate with near and dear ones. Nevertheless we must put in extra effort to come out of our shells and be more expressive. Sharing and communicating with love will open up doors of happiness for us. I suggest wearing a Citrine / Orange Carnelian or Orange Lace Agate to activate the Solar Plexus and Sacral chakra....this will allow us to be more creative, love our own self as well as shower love and affection more easily to others. Also we need to take a trip whenever we can doing so, we will feel so much better as we get out of our regular let's go ahead and explore new places, meet new people, try some local, exotic cuisine and allow our soul to dance with joy !!

Thought for the Year 2015 :

 Karma - What goes around, comes around...
 Keep your circle positive...!!
 Say good words,
 Think good thoughts,
 Do good deeds ....
 And 2015 will take care of itself !!!

I wish you a wonderful and blessed 2015....May the Angels and Guides crown all your efforts with Success and Glory.

Lots of Love,

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Rahu - Ketu Transit & Its Impact - July 2014 !!

Rahu and Ketu has moved to Virgo and Pisces respectively on the 12/07/14 at 08:42 pm. They would be changing their houses again after eighteen months. Let's analyze the effects of this transit on the different ascendants (Lagna)....

What does Rahu do ? It gets obsessed with the house where it is placed in your birth chart....It ampliflies the effect of the lord of the house (wherever it is placed)...Rahu excels in Virgo ...Rahu wants to become the Master of a tends to achieve perfection & success. At present Rahu is in the sign of Virgo. Virgo is controlled by Mercury - the planet of analysis, argument, legalities, details, medicine, communication, commerce just to name a few...So Rahu in Virgo would invoke different energies in people, it would make people focus on detailing, concentrate on perfection, work with Foriegn medicines / alternate methods of healing; it would compel people to break the rules & go against traditional methods ..People will tend to work on their body, their health, their image more than usual. They will be drawn to Reiki, Crystal Healing, Healing with Nature / Natural elements...On the other hand, Ketu is now in the Water sign of Pisces -  it is relaxed, calm & at peace. Ketu is in a state of bliss !!

Now let us look at the different Ascendants ....  

Aries : Rahu will be in the sixth house : Rahu will remove all obstacles & enemies. Determination & Will power will be at its peak. Healthwise, one may suffer from digestion problems. Diseases would be healed through alternative / foriegn methods of healing. Change of job / career is on the horizon.  

Taurus : Rahu will be in the fifth house : Rahu will make people more analytical about their children & education. Love is in the air for Taurus ascendants. Love relationships, Marriage, Child Birth, Educational Progress are all on the cards. Material & Spiritual gains are indicated.

Gemini : Rahu will be in the fourth house : It will make people critical about their home, there will interest in buying property, moving & beautifying their home.Property sale, Good income from own or inherited property, securing favours / help from others are the possibilities. Mothers health may be a cause of concern. Extreme care needs to be taken as far as Mother (Mother figure) is concerned.

Cancer : Rahu will be in the third house : Artistic inclination will increase. Rahu will bestow courage & bravery. Short distance travel are on the cards. Avoid unnecessary arguments. Misunderstandings may cause disharmony. Remember "Silence is Golden". Meeting influential people is on the cards for Cancerians.

Leo : Rahu will be in the second house : People will be taking care of their finances & their health. They will be paying more attention to the Occult & Mystical things. Avoid being a guarantor or as a witness to others in financial matters. Buying of land / property is quite possible. Work schedule can be hectic. Health needs to be taken care of. Stress is to be avoided completely. Alternate methods of healing / Yoga & Meditation will surely help.

Virgo : Rahu will be in the first house : They are going to focus on themselves. They will concentrate on their own life however they will be at peace with their spouse / partner. They will take good care of themselves. Career growth through hard work, achievement of goals, spiritual inclination / new age therapies, short distance travel, new business partnership / collaboration, love affairs / marriage are all on the cards.

Libra : Rahu will be in the twelfth house : Foreign travel / connection, Foreign settlement, Change of Residence are all indicated. They will be more attracted to start something new in foreign countries. They may travel abroad for work related purpose. They will pay attention to the mystical / occult Sciences. They will be inclined to know more about Alternate methods of healing. Librans would be keen to know more about their past lives, life purpose & karmic relationships.

Scorpio : Rahu will be in the eleventh house : They will make foreign network circles. They will analyze their friend circle / network circle & remove people from their lives who are pulling them down / discouraging them. Health will improve through foreign methods of healing. Overseas connection or communication will bring useful & important messages. Politicians will gain respect & honor. Governmental favors are on the cards. Spirituality will bring peace of mind. Rise in income is also indicated.

Sagittarius : Rahu will be in the tenth house : They will become obsessed with their Profession / Career. There are very high chances of moving & settling in a foreign land for work (job / business). Temporary / permanent foreign settlement is highly likely. Career development, Salary hike, promotion through tremendous hard work & dedication is foreseen. Friends / Relatives may bring distress & disappointment. Words should be wisely chosen to avoid miscommunication & misunderstandings. New business contracts / partnerships are on the cards.    

Capricorn : Rahu will be in the nineth house : They will look into their subconscious, higher learning & spirituality. They will delve deep into spiritual matters / retreats / alternate methods of healing / higher studies & research work. Buying a new property / investment / relocation is quite possible. Help from siblings / guides / mentors are on the cards. It is important to avoid any kind of conflicts, arguments, cold war as well as arrogance. The Focus should be on attaining peace.       

Aquarius : Rahu will be in the eighth house : Expenses may increase. Dissatisfaction in career related matters, internal conflict, anxiety & stress related issues may crop up. It is important to connect with the Divine & ask for help from the Universe. Sea Healing / Healing with the five elements will bring clarity & peace. Marriage is on the cards for Aquarians. Property investment is highly likely. Change of job is also on the cards.

Pisces : Rahu will be in the seventh house : Financial benefits, loan approvals, overseas job opportunities & educational progress are foreseen. Avoid arguments / quarrels with partner / spouse. Focus should be on the positive aspect of a relationship. It's important that we focus on the goods things in life & count our blessings. An attitude of gratitude is required to sail you though this phase. Legal matters will be favorably solved. 

A Message for You :

If the energy has been up and down so far,  we must try to hold it together. Let's find a way to change our lives for the better, which can be as easy as it sounds. Let's Do more. Feel more. Breathe better. Let's stay motivated to meet our goals. Let's watch videos of people who did what we want to accomplish. Let's read autobiographies. Let's take note and instrument techniques of “excellence”. Standards can also be re-done – better. Last but not the least, let's think positive, be positive, and circulate in “the positive”. & We’ll never be steered in the wrong direction....!!

With Much Love,

Monday, June 23, 2014

My Journey : Discovering the Magical Power of Sea Healing !!

Since I was a young girl I have had a naturally strong intuition that has only gained in strength as I have gotten older. This led to my being interested in all things intuitive and also led me to discover the tremendous healing power of the Ocean & Sea.

I did feel that i was blessed with a gift of intuition when i was just a kid however i did not pay much heed to it....I saw angels and Ascended Masters in really emotional times and could hear their voices and feel their soft touch. I just always knew that I was being watched over. I’ll write more about my personal experiences and my journey in my book, which i am currently working on. During my teens, i read a lot about life after death, spirit guides, manifesting, the law of attraction, ghosts, angels, and anything else that made my soul stir.... I then began to use tools such as Astrology, Palmistry, Tarot and Oracle cards, reading for myself mostly at first & then of course for others. As I kept practicing it and got better and better, my abilities grew & I would just get psychic hits on people, even upon initially meeting them. At present, i use clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, clairvoyance, automatic writing, and oracle cards (along with Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology if required) in order to answer and clarify questions. My goal is to leave one feeling empowered afterward in a way that inspires them to take back control of their own life. I want my readings to clarify situations and to teach one how to work with their own spirit guides and angels in order to manifest their dreams into reality. Just like when Peter Pan taught us all how to fly, “All it takes is a bit of faith and trust... and… just a little bit of pixie dust.” :)

I have a great amount of passion and compassion for what I do. I want my clients to walk away from a reading feeling more loved, inspired, and empowered.

During my last visit to Penang, Malaysia i was strongly guided to start Sea Healing & Meditation. I received a message on the tremendous healing ability of the Ocean & the Sea. As i was floating around in the Turquoise Sea, it spoke to me told me to practice healing in the Sea & it also emphasized that there is absolutely nothing that the sea cannot heal....and as i sensed the warm embrace of the Sea, i decided to take it to the world so that each & every individual can feel what i felt that that each one of us reinvents our connection with the Sea & the Universe thus allowing them to work through our lives, allowing them to remove our blocks & negativity, allowing them to create magic & each & every aspect of our lives.....     

The ocean is therapeutic and a boundless reservoir of health. It contains all the vital elements: vitamins, mineral salts, trace elements, amino acids and living microorganisms which secrete antibiotic, bacteriostatic and hormonal substances with biological balancing effects. These substances are easily assimilated by our bodies during sea bathing. An interesting fact is that seawater has a similar composition as our blood plasma. Also, the gas molecules in the ocean mist create a genuine spray rich in iodine, which helps regulate the thyroid gland. The spray is also loaded with negative ions. Negatives ions strengthen the body's immunological defense mechanisms. This mist of extremely small molecules enters the body through the respiratory system, where they attach to the walls of the lungs for distribution throughout the body. Bathing in seawater acts directly on chronic disorders, helping one overcome ailments, aches and pains. Cool seawater calms down overwrought nerves, tranquilizing the whole body. It also tones up the body, making it more resilient. Warm seawater, during our summer months, improves the circulation and relaxes muscles. Seawater baths open the pores and help eliminate toxins from the body. Swimming and wading brings our bodies in contact with the sea's pulsating and massaging waves, its rare minerals, and dissolved gases.

Apart from the physical health benefits, Sea Water helps one harmonizes the Chakras and subtle energy bodies, release old blocks & negative patterns, clears energy blockages, release stress & mental anguish, evokes feelings of peace and serenity, helps in manifestation of dreams, connecting with the Divine.... just to mention a few.... 

So if you are ready to order a healing from the Universe with me through the vast & amazingly beautiful Sea as well as experience the Divine Healing Wisdom for yourself, I would be more than happy to take you through the journey of Sea Healing & Therapy.

My "Sea Healing" journey begins through a two day spiritual retreat "Healing Waves" in Goa, India from the 8th to the 10th of August 2014....Please feel free to get in touch with me if you wish to know more about the same... I look forward to speaking with you, your guides, and your angels!

Blessings of Love and Light,

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Individual Zodiac Report : Transit of Jupiter in the grand sign of Cancer (19th June 2014, 11AM IST) !!

So today is "THE BIG DAY"....Transit of Jupiter in the grand sign of Cancer at 11AM (IST) :

Jupiter is exhalted in Cancer...Jupiter is Benefic here...What does that translate to ? 

Jupiter / Guru / Vrihaspati is Guidance, Higher Knowledge, Wisdom, Counselling, Finance, Spirituality ....& Cancer being a spiritual sign (ALSO A WATER SIGN)...Jupiter works its best in this sign...Canc
er being the divine mother embraces no other sign !!

Let's see what it holds for each ascendant :

Aries : Jupiter is transiting the 4th House : You will, in this year, come across Gurus in your home / homeland. Marriage, birth of a child, long distance fruitful travel, great money coming in, buying a house, important / happy events are all on the cards. 4th house being the house of the Mother / Home / Homeland.... you will happen to benefit from your mother (or a motherly figure) 

Taurus : Jupiter is transiting the 3rd House : Sudden gains from siblings are indicated. Fruits of your labor will be surprisingly paid will be pulled away from dramatic situation. You will be gathering a lot of information, you will preach things about life, death, hopes & wishes....Your dreams will come true with your own efforts

Gemini : Jupiter is transiting the 2nd House : You will be financially rewarded. Authors, Poets, Counselors, Advisers, Public Speakers will gain tremendously. People who are self employed will be successful...they will achieve name, fame & monetary benefits. Many of you will be inclined to start your own work & it will a life changing experience for you 

Cancer : Jupiter is transiting the Ascendant : You, through your guidance, personality & your imagination, will be able to take care of your enemies & obstacles. Jupiter will make you a shining light for your own self & for others. You will benefit through your enemies !! There will be great celebration regarding home, children, travel, finances. You will be inclined to learn more about Spirituality & Metaphysics. Your personality will undergo a beautiful transformation

Leo : Jupiter is transiting the 12th House : You will get opportunities to go to Foreign lands. You will be attracted to go to isolated places, spiritually vibrant will be more optimistic about your situation & your will be suddenly interested to explore your creativity, your luck will rise, there will be sudden unexpected positive changes in your life.   

Virgo : Jupiter is transiting the 11th House : It will give you friends & network circles whom you will benefit from, both materially as well as spiritually. There will be tremendous gains in each & every aspect of your life....You may meet your soulmate / life partner; there will be long distance beneficial travel, your hopes & wishes will come true.  

Libra : Jupiter is transiting the 10th House : Your close ones / friends / contacts will help you gain a good opportunity (Job / Business / Education). You will reap the benefits of your Good Karma. You will be rewarded for all the hard work that you do. This would be a great time to start your own Business / Line of work. So if you have been contemplating on starting your own thing, go right ahead....

Scorpio : Jupiter is transiting the 9th House : You will greatly benefiting from investments, stocks, higher education, work related travel (which will increase). You will meet a Guru in a foreign land who will enlighten you & guide each & every aspect of your life. You may meet your Twin Flame / Soul Mate...It also promises children so it is a great time to have kids. You will have creative self will learn things / will be inclined to learn things related to spirituality / alternate healing / other metaphysical studies ..This is a wonderful time for you to start your work as a Healer / Lightworker

Sagittarius : Jupiter is transiting the 8th House : Your enemies will be will move to a better place in the next one can be to a foreign will find hidden treasure :) You will learn more about the will learn more about things that are buried underground, hidden will be involved in research / will experience a positive spin in each & every aspect of your life    

Capricorn : Jupiter is transiting the 7th House : You may get married in the next one year...if you are already married, you will have a lot of calmness / peace in your marital life....Jupiter will negotiate deals for will shed light on your expenses through your spouse / partner so you will spend wisely. Business will bloom...especially if your spouse happens to be your partner or is somewhat involved in your work. Collaborations / Partnerships will reap benefits.

Aquarius : Jupiter is transiting the 6th House : It is great time to look for investors..Jupiter will help you borrow more money. It will help you reap a lot of monitory benefits. You will pay your debts off...You will get good projects / opportunities at work. Your health will improve. You will manage your money well. 

Pisces : Jupiter is transiting the 5th House : There will be the birth of a child, access to good education, creative expression, artistic inclination & Yes ...Falling In Love (or Rising in Love as i would like to put it). In your work space, you will get a lot of creative & innovative projects to work on. Your business will start giving good results...don't shy away from trying out something new / innovative...

If you wish to know more about your individual Jupiter placement, do write to me at

May this amazing transit draw all the goodness of the World & beyond the World to You...May your life be filled with Love, Laughter, Peace, Prosperity, Beauty & Gratitude !!

Love & Light,

Monday, June 9, 2014

19th June 2014 : Jupiter Transit : The Most Significant Astrological Event of the Year !!

The Grand & Majestic Jupiter is in Gemini at the moment however it is about to move in to Cancer on the 19th of June 2014 (will remain in Cancer till the 14th of July 2015)...this is by far going to be the most important astrological shift of this year. Now let's see what Jupiter in Cancer translates to ..

Cancer happens to be one of the most favorite positions of Jupiter / Guru...Jupiter is happy & comfortable in the house of the loving & nurturing is at its upmost & highest dignity. 

Jupiter in Cancer feels emotionally attached to Teaching & Educating people, bestowing Knowledge & Wisdom, leading people to acquire & understand Spiritual information, helping people know the Occult Science, making people understand the importance of working towards ones "life / soul purpose" just to mention a few..... 

Jupiter (unlike Saturn who is a stern tutor) behaves more like a Mother figure in Cancer, slowly & lovingly creating situations for people, wherein one gets to learn about life with ease & comfort. It is a Divine planet & it will certainly yield good results whether it is a Benefic or a Malefic planet for you, as per your individual horoscope (that's something i truly believe in)....If it's a Malefic planet for you, during it's transit, it will no longer make you will help you get out of debt, protect you from your enemies, support you, guide you & bless each & every aspect of your life, especially the house that it is placed in for your particular horoscope. 

For instance if you are a Cancer, Taurus & Capricorn ascendant, Jupiter is a functional malefic planet for you however due to it's exhaltation, it will bring about a unique awareness for you....& you may suddenly realize what you are doing right & what you aren't, at that point of time in your life.

You will find & meet your Guru.... You will have spiritual awareness through travel & meditation.......You will have health awareness....Your world will change for the better in sudden & unexpected ways.

When Jupiter goes into Cancer, Saturn will aspect Jupiter (with its 10th aspect)...Saturn is discipline, organization, hard work, structure, values & principles...Saturn being in Libra is at its highest elevation (Saturn is in Libra till December 2014 after which it moves to Scorpio - another unique event which i will cover in my next article). When Saturn looks at Jupiter (from Libra), it will make Jupiter manage things even better ... be it finance, gains, network circles, earnings, children, education, marriage...Saturn will give a benefic / positive aspect. Many people have a misconception about Saturn. The Karmic planet Saturn is about's not a negative is not for is for is for the "truth" when Saturn is aspecting Jupiter, it will make people work hard...really hard !! It will make people learn about Spiritual things as will push people to their limits...but in December Saturn will move into tables are going to now Jupiter will aspect Saturn from it's 5th what will happen ? Something significant will happen... A major event...!! It can be meeting your soulmate, marriage, child conception / birth, a wonderful job opportunity / career opportunity, a life changing proposition, an exceptional business deal, an important travel opening up a whole new dimension for your life or something amazingly interesting giving a fresh new perspective to your life.   

Another two significant events this year would be the movement of Rahu into Virgo & Ketu into Pisces which i shall cover in my subsequent articles. 

I would like to conclude my article with a quote from Sri Guru Granth Sahib.....

“The Guru is the Ladder, the Guru is the Boat, and the Guru is the Raft to take me to the Lord's Name. The Guru is the Boat to carry me across the world-ocean; the Guru is the Sacred Shrine of Pilgrimage, the Guru is the Holy River. If it pleases Him, I bathe in the Pool of Truth, and become radiant and pure.”

With Much Love,

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Healing with The Magical Stones !!

I have been working with Crystals / Natural Gemstones for more than two decades now & i often refer them as "Magical Stones"as they have tremendous healing power. 

Different crystals were created from different combinations of minerals in order to furnish various energies and properties. By embracing the diversified energies and properties embedded in crystals, we could perform miraculous healing therapies with these beauties.

Crystals may be used for cleansing & purifying space along with uplifting the energy allowing one to attain a peaceful & quiet state of mind. No matter which method you choose to bring in positivity into your being & your life, these wonderful gifts from Mother Nature can surely be your faithful friend & loving guide.

Crystals can also be used effectively to cleanse & energize your chakras. They stimulate & enhance self healing by absorbing the negative energies from ones physical & emotional body and balancing the vital organs & energy centres with their high vibration.

Try selecting a raw crystal that you are attracted to & hold it in your hand for some time !! Choose one which is clear, bright & beautiful to begin with. You will feel the immense vibration of the stone starting from your palm, running across your entire body...this little experiment will give you a taste of the Divine crystal power...!!  

Chakra Meditation with Crystals : 

An easy & inexpensive way of testing the magic of crystals is by trying out healing meditation for yourself. Purchase a set of seven of the following crystals (preferably tumbled ones) - Red Jasper, Carnelian, Citrine, Malachite, Turquoise, Amethyst and Clear Quartz. You may also consider buying a set of tumbled or raw Rose Quartz, a pointed Clear Quartz and Hematite or Black Tourmaline along with the other ones.   

To experience the healing power of crystals allow yourself some free time that's just for you. Have a hot bath scrubbing yourself with some sea salt or rock salt & your favorite essential oils [Lemongrass & Orange Blossom being my hot favourites :)]. After bathing, apply pure sandalwood oil on your forehead and on the nape of your neck. Go to a room free from distractions where you feel at ease. This space should be lit up with candles and sandalwood or lemongrass essential oil burner / aroma therapy. Now play your favourite relaxation / healing music (can be light instrumental or soothing chants). Prepare to lie down.
Place the Rose Quartz all around your body & a Hematite or Black Tourmaline under your feet, place a clear quartz point above your head, point towards the head. Next as you lie down place the Red Jasper above the Root chakra, the Orange Carnelian on the navel, the Citrine on the solar plexus, the Malachite on the centre of the chest, the Turquoise on hollow of the throat, the Amethyst in the centre of the forehead and the Clear quartz at the top of the head. Make yourself comfortable and say out
'I ___(Your name)_________ call on my Higher Self, my angels, guides and the most highly evolved beings of light who are close to me and who love me unconditionally. Please surround me with your love and light. Please assist in the purification and cleansing of my systems and take me into a deeply relaxed state, now.'
Visualize and feel yourself floating in a soft warm pink bubble of love, relax and let the music take you to a beautiful place in nature that you know and love, stay there and enjoy it for as long as like.
When you feel ready to come back stretch your body slowly and remind yourself where you are. Write down any impressions that may have come to you, and notice how you feel. 
It's of utmost importance to cleanse the crystals once you are done with your healing meditation. Always remember that the crystals are like sponges soaking the negative vibrations from your body so you should cleanse the crystals by fully immersing them in rock salt water for fifteen minutes and placing them in a sunny place until you need to use them again. Any of the softer crystals may be cleansed by packing them in dry rock salt for 24hrs.

Once your Crystal Meditation is over you will feel light, calm, relaxed & happy. You may have had a visionary experience or received Divine messages which you should record immediately and contemplate over the next seven days.

You may have noticed that the crystals you placed on your body followed the colours of a rainbow from red to violet. This can be a guide to any other crystals that you choose to place on your chakras or energy centres. These colours relate to the chakras beneath them, and will therefore bring the chakras into harmony with the appropriate vibration of the crystal above.

You may treat yourself to crystal meditation as often as you like & If you enjoy working with crystals, consider a short course with a reputable and loving crystal healer. You never know, you may well have the ability to work in this area yourself. Crystals will bring happiness, peace, love and light into your life; they will illuminate your life & heal your life only if you allow them to.....

Some Crystal Tips For You :  

Clear Quartz - Need clarity,focus, concentration & direction ? A Clear Quartz is your answer. A bright clear quartz cluster will also energize and lighten up any living area & remove the negative energies of the space at the same time.

Rose Quartz - Need emotional healing , Love, better relationships, understanding ? Wear a Rose Quartz. For the bedroom, the calm, soft & loving energy of a rose quartz ball or cluster is highly recommended.

Black Tourmaline -  is an awesome crystal to have around for pain relief. It has an astonishing capacity to absorb physical pain. Acquire a piece of natural or tumbled tourmaline. Whenever you experience a headache or period pains, hold the crystal on the affected area and visualize or feel the pain leaving your body and entering the crystal. Your pain will ease immediately and will probably disappear altogether. It is a great short term easer of physical discomfort. Remember to always cleanse your tourmaline after use by leaving it on an amethyst or quartz cluster overnight. Do not immerse tourmaline in water. (If pain persists or reoccurs you should consult your preferred practitioner and find out what your body is trying to draw your attention to).

Citrine - If you feel low on energy during the day, tape a cleansed Citrine tumbler on your skin over your solar plexus and leave it there until you feel livelier or wear it as a piece of jewelry. Be sure to cleanse it after you have finished using it.

Kunzite - a beautiful soft pink ray stone which will give comfort to those children who have difficulty adjusting to earth plane environments and energy, bringing peace and balance back to the pure open heart. It’s good for adults too!

Aventurine & Tigers Eye - Are you hoping to get that improved career position in the office? Try carrying an Aventurine or Tigers Eye around with you while you focus on a positive outcome.

Love & Light,