2015 can be summed up in One Word ....."KARMA" !!!
" Forgive the person and their actions,
Never give in to hate,
Let it go,
Set it free,
And Karma will take care of What is meant to Be " !!
" Forgive the person and their actions,
Never give in to hate,
Let it go,
Set it free,
And Karma will take care of What is meant to Be " !!
India is a Saturn ruled country....2015 is a Saturn ruled year.... Being a Karmic number, 2015 will carry with it "The Universal Law of Truth" so one must at all times remember the law of "cause and effect". We will receive what we give ....We will reap as we sow !! We will be given as per our KARMA. Karma will speak for itself and that's 2015 in a nutshell for you !!
2015 adds up to number 8 (2+0+1+5). To understand the year 2015, we need to understand "the meaning and importance of the number 8 first".... So what is 8 all about and how will it impact our lives, especially in 2015 ?
The number 8 is considered the highest feminine number and it signifies 'giving and receiving'. 8 is the number of 'Karma', the related planet being Saturn. It is associated to the star sign Scorpio ( a very important year for all Scorpions) and if we look at "The Tarot" ....it is linked to the eighth card which is "Strength".
The number 8 symbolizes order, perfection, structure, domination, control and achievement. It is the executive decision-maker. The path for 2015 should be "compassion" … it is one of the 'life lessons' for the upcoming year.
The life Challenges for 2015 will be hatred, jealousy, greed, manipulation, slandering, anger and judgement.
The ultimate accomplishment for the year will be to gain 'wisdom'.
2015 will be extremely significant for people who have a dominant Saturn, people who are Capricorn or Aquarius Acendants, the ones with Birth number or Life Path number 8 as well as the ones born in the month of August (especially 8th, 17th or 26th). It will be an extremely eventful year for people whose name begins with the alphabets H, Q and Z as also for the ones with name number 8.
8 is the number of 'power' and in all probability one may not feel safe unless they have found a way to establish financial security for themselves. The challenge for us will be to balance personal relationships against material wealth and to practice tolerance and patience (Remember the two Golden Words - Faith and Patience). Our purpose will be to use our commanding power and strength to help others. And that should be our Focal Point. Our goal for 2015 should be 'to awaken the divinity within.'
The mystery number 8 signifies the continuous spiral of perpetual motion, which is the supreme signature of the Universe, and all evolutionary cycle. 8 is the 'power' number which needs always to be used for the good of mankind. The task of the number 8 is great – and when awakened and developed, is the 'Master Energy' working for humanity. Strength, Will and Effort are energies of the number 8 and their ultimate goal is mastery on all levels and planes of being. There is the opportunity to create a balance between the spiritual and material worlds !!
8 is the number of 'power' and in all probability one may not feel safe unless they have found a way to establish financial security for themselves. The challenge for us will be to balance personal relationships against material wealth and to practice tolerance and patience (Remember the two Golden Words - Faith and Patience). Our purpose will be to use our commanding power and strength to help others. And that should be our Focal Point. Our goal for 2015 should be 'to awaken the divinity within.'
The mystery number 8 signifies the continuous spiral of perpetual motion, which is the supreme signature of the Universe, and all evolutionary cycle. 8 is the 'power' number which needs always to be used for the good of mankind. The task of the number 8 is great – and when awakened and developed, is the 'Master Energy' working for humanity. Strength, Will and Effort are energies of the number 8 and their ultimate goal is mastery on all levels and planes of being. There is the opportunity to create a balance between the spiritual and material worlds !!
2015 will provide ample opportunities however they may manifest after the month of June. Let's not get bogged down if there are delays and disappointments as this will surely be a potent year and will fetch us long term benefits in terms of career and finances. This year will bring about a wave of growth and prosperity ( however we must not deviate from good karma). Money can be made or lost depending on our intention and KARMA - that will be the energy of 2015. Financial improvements can be observed from August to December. This is indeed a good year to buy a new home, change place / country, long distance travel, putting a business plan into action or bring about any important change. Hard work will definitely pay off inspire of initial delays.
It is imperative that we take care of our health throughout the year by getting rid of any sort of addictions and also be regular with our exercise regime. Yoga and meditation will surely be beneficial along with proper diet. I highly recommend Surya Namaskar Yoga coupled with Pranayama and Aum Meditation ( Sound Healing). Sticking to a Vegetarian Diet will have it's added benefits. I also suggest the use of Sea Salt / Himalayan Pink Salt for cooking as well as a bathing scrub ( it will cleanse and energise your chakras in a beautiful way).
After the reflection of last year, it is time to move from the inner world into the outer world and manifest in greater ways what you have been working toward during the last seven years. Material issues, career, and worldly accomplishments come to the forefront.
There are chances where one may feel isolated and aloof with the energy of the number 8 often finding it difficult to communicate with near and dear ones. Nevertheless we must put in extra effort to come out of our shells and be more expressive. Sharing and communicating with love will open up doors of happiness for us. I suggest wearing a Citrine / Orange Carnelian or Orange Lace Agate to activate the Solar Plexus and Sacral chakra....this will allow us to be more creative, love our own self as well as shower love and affection more easily to others. Also we need to take a trip whenever we can ....by doing so, we will feel so much better as we get out of our regular environment....so let's go ahead and explore new places, meet new people, try some local, exotic cuisine and allow our soul to dance with joy !!
Thought for the Year 2015 :
Karma - What goes around, comes around...
Keep your circle positive...!!
Say good words,
Think good thoughts,
Do good deeds ....
And 2015 will take care of itself !!!
Karma - What goes around, comes around...
Keep your circle positive...!!
Say good words,
Think good thoughts,
Do good deeds ....
And 2015 will take care of itself !!!
I wish you a wonderful and blessed 2015....May the Angels and Guides crown all your efforts with Success and Glory.
Lots of Love,